United States Newspapers from OldNews.com™
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United States Newspapers from OldNews.com™
33,256,586 pages in 14,054 newspaper titles
This index of national, regional and local historical newspapers, periodicals and gazettes from the United States was created through the use of MyHeritage’s advanced optical character recognition (OCR) of articles dating back to 1770. Newspapers are a leading resource for historical and genealogical research as they are full of detailed information about potential ancestors across your family tree, through a wide range of vital record substitutes such as birth, marriage, death notices and obituaries.<br><br>The history of a community can be explored in great detail through stories of local interest, they contain records of notable activities and events, often providing more information about any persons involved, as well as context of times in which your ancestor may have lived. Images for these newspapers have been made available on <a href="https://www.oldnews.com/en" target="blank">OldNews.com</a>.
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