Pioneer Sketches in the District of Bathurst
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Pioneer Sketches in the District of Bathurst
Pioneer Sketches in the District of Bathurst. Hon. Andrew Haydon, M.A. (1925)<br>The District of Bathurst was created in 1822 as an administrative area (then) in the county of Carleton. It has since been disbanded in favor of more localized administrations.<br><br> Describing this former district&apos;s borders is a little difficult. The description given in the book is, "Comprising nearly all the area of the present counties of Lanark and Renfrew as well as that part of the present [i.e., in 1822] County of Carleton lying north and west of the Rideau River." Perhaps a clearer picture of the area can be gained from a listing of the townships it encompassed: Goulbourn, Beckwith, Drummond, Bathurst, March, Huntley, Ramsay, Lanark, Dalhousie, and North and South Sherbrooke, or from the major towns and villages featured or mentioned in the sketches, these being: Almonte*, Fitzroy, Lanark, Ottawa (Bytown), Pakenham, Pembroke (was New Miramichi and Campbelltown), Perth, Renfrew, Richmond, and Smith&apos;s Falls (* Almonte has also been known as, Sheppard&apos;s Falls, Shipman&apos;s Falls, Shipman&apos;s Mills, Waterford, Ramsayville, and Victoriaville, at various times in its history.)<br> <BR>The Archive CD Books Project exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to cooperate with local libraries, museums and record offices in providing money to renovate old books in their collection, and to donate books to their collections, where they will be preserved for future generations.